Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Party Tunes

I picked my top 10 favorite Halloween party tunes ever to conclude this week's countdown to Halloween. These are in a particular order!

10. Higher and Higher - Howard Huntsberry - This is the song from the second Ghostbusters, when they were enlisting the help of the Statue of Liberty to break through the 'jello mold' (and it's such an awesome scene!). Great song that's so much fun to dance too.
9. I Put A Spell On You - Bette Midler's version from Hocus Pocus - Sung by the worst witch this world has ever scene, Winnifred Sanderson. Perfect for a spooky Halloween party.
8. Ready To Die - Andrew W.K. - This song is full of energy and spunk, like all of Andrew W.K.'s music, but the theme of this one is perfect to liven up a rather dead Halloween bash.
7. Flying Purple People Eater - Alvin and the Chipmunks - I love the whole premise behind this song, but I just don't like the original. So Alvin and the Chipmunks came to my rescue and provided me with a version that I can actually listen to. :)
6. Thriller - Michael Jackson - The recently deceased pop legend really knew who to do it right. This song has been a Halloween party staple since it's release in 1984. Dancing zombies and Vincent Price? Amazing.
5. Greatest Show Unearthed - Creature Feature - A song about a spooky, unearthly carnival? How is this not amazing?
4. A Gorey Demise - Creature Feature - I was torn between which was better, Greatest Show Unearthed or A Gorey Demise, and this one won. A mix of Edward Gorey, Creature Feature, and Halloween? Yeah, this one definitely won.
3. Beetlejuice Main Theme - Danny Elfman - The best movie about ghosts and poltergeists I've ever seen. I'm so jealous of Lydia's wardrobe!
2. Monster Mash - The Misfits - This is like running through a punked out graveyard dancing under a full moon. I listenend to many versions of this song, and The Misfits did it best.
1. This is Halloween - Danny Elfman - The most memorable song from the greatest Halloween movie ever made. This wins 1st place hands down. Even if you aren't having a Halloween party, you can still curl up on the couch under a big black blanket, enjoying some hot chocolate and taking in the eye candy of Nightmare Before Christmas.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sweet Treats

I love Halloween parties. And I love food. Halloween themed food is therefore incredible. Here's a list of 10 of my favorite Halloween party appetizers, in no particular order.

Monster Toes! - I love the idea of chomping on little tiny monster toes. And the pictures makes me hungry. ^_^
Witches Finger Cookies - Hansel and Gretel weren't ones to waste.
Pecan-Caramel Spiders - These look absolutely delicious. I'd love to eat one..and then have a little leg sticking out my mouth while chomping away! Hahahahahahaha!
Spiderweb Cookies - Sugar cookies decorated beautifully. I'd make these all year round.
Ghosts on Broomsticks - If you can get the vanilla into the shape of a ghost, this would be a sweet recipe to try out.
Cheese Pumpkins - I like cheese a lot, but I'm not too fond of cheese food. However, these look like fun.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds - You can't have a Halloween party without these!
Marsh-Monsters - If you're a fan of marshmallows, this is the perfect one for you.
Incredibly unhealthy, but probably rather tasty.
Salty Bones - I want these SO badly. I could probably eat a whole plate myself!
Yummy Mummy Cupcakes - Look at those eyes! I'd eat those first.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Black Lips and Halloween Costumes

I did some research about how to wear black lipstick because I, personally, do not. I prefer deep rich reds and, when I can get my hands on it, dark purple. Unfortunately, black lipstick was apparently a 'trend' last fall and now again this fall, so I got to read numerous articles about how to make black lipsticks 'sexy instead of Gothic'. Quite annoying.
Anyway, the next thing I did was go to a Halloween retail site [ to be exact], and the first costume that came up was Snow White. This got me thinking about how black lipstick and fairytale princesses would look. Something like this perhaps?
If you plan on wearing black lipstick this Halloween, choose something a little less [or a lot less] traditional than a vampire or corpse bride. Have a little creativity and find something that makes the black stand out instead of just sink into another average Halloween costume.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I haven't even bought my pumpkins yet!! These ideas put me in the mood for some hot chocolate and scary movies. ^_^ And hot, fresh pumpkin seeds. ^_^

Monday, October 26, 2009

One Week till Halloween!

I'm doing a weeklong countdown to Halloween, starting today. I am soo excited! We're doing an Alice in Wonderland themed Halloween shindig, and I'll have plenty of pictures of it on Monday. ^_^ I get to be Alice!! Woohoo!

And speaking of amazing Halloween fun...
Is this not the most awesome desktop you've ever seen?? The incredible awesomeness of it is just insane. I want to know where this person got all these goodies! I want them!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Caught in it's web...

I've been infatuated with these new spider web charms since I bought them a couple weeks ago. Everytime I lay out a necklace, I always end up using one of these as the pendants. They just seem to always work! I've been building up quite a large inventory of necklaces since I have a home party coming up very soon, and I'm a little worried that everyone will say "Great work, but I'm just not that into spiders..." I've actually woken up in cold sweats over this! I suppose we'll just see what happens. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. :)

That's the first necklace I ever made with these charms. I loved it so much, I kept it! I made a duplicate to sell, however. I plan on wearing this necklace to my home party to show it off, maybe with my pink and black striped tights. ^_^

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Digital Inspiration

I was browsing DeviantArt the other day searching for new, inspiring work to aid in my Halloween craft creation process, and I came across the artist Restmlin. The work in their gallery is absolutely fantastic. Their work is unique and lovely, and the composition is absolutely terrific. I am totally willing to admit I'm insanely jealous of their Photoshop skills. Black and white stripes and red hair. Perfect, isn't it?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bouquet of Paper Roses

Martha Stewart has a simple paper mice tutorial that requires black paper, scissors, masking tape, and a printer. You can use any color you want for the mice though, you don't have to use black. If mice have little purple shadows in your world, then by all means, use purple.
That tutorial got me thinking about silhouettes and places I could put them. I had to take my porch light down and clean it out [it was absolutely filthy], so while it sat on the garage floor drying I got my plastic bat ring out, black construction paper, a pencil, and some scissors, and went to town. I ended up with a porch light I could live with all year.

And check out this adorable Halloween e-card for a quick 'Awwww' and a chuckle. ^_^

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Been away, feeling ill.

I got the flu last Thursday, and it knocked me out for a week. Getting out of bed this morning, even though it had to be done, was very difficult. But I'm getting better, thanks to all the Emergen-C, orange juice, and tea.

And speaking of tea, I think owning this teapot would get me better a whole lot faster:

Friday, October 2, 2009

Yay for October!

I love this month. ^_^ Halloween, my birthday, and there's something else about this month that's a little bit more somber. October is breast cancer awareness month. Because of this, and the fact that my grandmother died from this horrible cancer, 10% of everything I earn this month will be donated to research for the cure of breast cancer. I'll be donating to the BCRF:
Also check out to know more about being breast cancer aware.

The Flying Skeleton will be available for home parties in the Oklahoma City area starting in November, so if you'd like to schedule a house party, please email me at